Tuesday 10 December 2013

report and photos from yesterday in Blaine :)‏ Andrew Reding 10/30/13

Especially notable were large numbers (over a dozen) of western grebes at the entrance to Drayton Harbor, along with a single eared grebe. There were also large numbers of red-necked and horned grebes, along with common loons. 

Also notable: six long-tailed ducks flew by the Blaine Public Pier, and a Brandt’s cormorant surfaced right beside the pier.
  • correction from my post yesterday‏

After showing a photo of the alleged Brandt’s cormorant to Phil Wegener, he has persuaded me that I misidentified what is almost certainly an odd-looking pelagic cormorant swimming off the Public Pier in Blaine.

No Brandt’s has ever been confirmed at that location, and that remains the case.


Red-necked grebes:

Belted kingfisher:

Great blue heron:

White-winged scoter:

Common loon:

White-crowned sparrow:

Harlequin ducks:

Black turnstone:

Surf scoters:

Other birds in large numbers: pintail, dunlin, green-winged teal, red-breasted mergansers, killdeer.

Plus eagles, house finches, yellow-crowned sparrows, shoveler.

Also, a few recent Bellingham photos:

Great blue heron:

Harbor seal pup:


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