Wednesday 11 December 2013

Help with ID‏ Joe Meche 11/23/13

Found this bird on my suet feeder a couple of days ago. Any ideas with the ID? ;-)
Joe Meche

It is a EUST in nonbreeding plumage.

ok, for us casual birders would you spell that out please? Darcie
EUST is the four-letter code used to identify a European Starling.


Looks like some exotic species to me. Never saw one in my life. LOL

Barry Ulman
Starlings love my suet feeder also.  Appearance changes with season and other factors.
Roger Weiss
Thanks to all who responded to my request for help ID'ing the obvious starling.
Some saw the humor, while others did not, but it sure was fun....wasn't it?
*If you looked at the jpg attachment labeled EUST, you must have known it was leg-pulling time on whatcombirds.
Sunday cheers,
Joe Meche
Fun, yes.  EUST is obvious to those few that play birder Scrabble.  Dairy farmers would prefer a photo of one lying on its side.
Roger Weiss

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