Saturday 14 December 2013

Blaine report and photos Tues Dec 3‏ Andrew Reding

Raft of pintails off Marine Drive:

Raft of lesser scaup (with a single surf scoter) off Marine Drive:

Barrow’s goldeneyes:

Red-breasted cormorant:


Western grebe (there continue to be about a dozen of these):

Harbor seal in the marina:

Also seen: flocks of dunlin and black turnstones, white-winged scoters, eagles, kingfishers, pelagic and double-crested cormorants, red-necked and hooded grebes, common loons, a raft of American wigeons with a single Eurasian wigeon (off Marine Drive), a few shovelers, flocks of green-winged teal, a great yellowlegs, herons, common goldeneyes.

I did not bike to Semiahmoo (too chilly), so this report is limited to Blaine along Marine Drive.

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