Saturday, 21 December 2013

sapsuckers and hummers...‏ John Bower 12/19/13

A fun happening this morning at our house on Alabama Hill. Two red-breasted sapsuckers (new to our yard list) were chasing each other around our yard this morning, when one of them bumped (not hard) into our window. The sapsucker flew to a tree and perched for awhile, not doubt recovering from the embarrassment of window bumping, and 30 seconds later an Anna's hummer (male) flew up to the sapsucker and hovered around its head – no doubt enthralled with all that red! Or maybe worrying that a very large Anna's was threatening to take over his feeder. Over the next couple of minutes the hummer alternated between perching right next to the sapsucker and hovering above its head until the Sapsucker, tired of the harassment, flew off to continue its day.

Happy Holidays! And thanks for making Whatcombirds what it is!

John Bower

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