Saturday 14 December 2013

Derby Pond report‏ Joe Meche 12/13/13

The Derby Pond in Whatcom Falls Park is at times teeming with waterfowl.
Along with the usual horde of Mallards yesterday, I observed 28 Wood Ducks, at least a dozen Hooded Mergansers, Buffleheads, Common Goldeneyes, American Wigeons, and one rather strange Mallard X ????  (I'll post a photo later when I can sort through the best angle).
The X in question is not the cream-colored one that everyone has seen but something new to me.
Holiday cheers,
Joe Meche


My timing has been way off. Every time I go to Derby Pond, I see practically nothing but Mallards. If there's anything else, they're usually considerably upstream from the pond.

Barry Ulman

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