Wednesday 11 December 2013

photo report on Blaine birds yesterday Andrew Reding 11/23/13

The two most unusual sightings were of a lesser yellowlegs (photo sent in an earlier posting) and a female mountain bluebird.

Here’s the mountain bluebird, on Semiahmoo Spit. Special thanks to Eric Ellingson for pointing it out to me:

Black turnstones (6), Semiahmoo Spit:

Harlequin ducks, Semiahmoo Spit:

Horned grebe eating fish, Public Pier:

Speaking of grebes, a dozen western grebes continue to be present in Drayton Harbor, as they have all fall.

Bald eagles, Marine Drive:

Also of interest, well over a dozen ruddy ducks, offshore from Semiahmoo Spit.

The kingfishers were very active, as was a young yellow-rumped warbler at Gate 3.

Others: greater yellowlegs, killdeer, dunlin, pintails, green-winged teal, American wigeon, great blue heron, surf and white-winged scoters, long-tailed duck, red-necked grebes, common loons, pelagic and double-crested cormorants.


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