We have two and switch them out every couple hours.Suzetta
I bring the feeder inside over night; however, on a day like today it will freeze during the day.
I join your query for solutions.
Mike Massanari
I've read positive reviews of these feeders. Doug Brown
I have two for days like this and switch them out. I bring them in at night and put them out at first light with my solo resident waiting for me.
After lots frustration and experimentation, two years ago we settled on hanging a work light next to the feeder. We brought the feeder close to the house (i.e., close to an exterior outlet). It continues to work even if we are gone for any length of time. This year, to reduce the light pollution, we reworked that option by hanging the feeder below a recycled metal lamp shade and bulb. Lynn DunlapBird bath de-icers on dish-type feeders. Only trouble is, the apparatus psyches out some of the birds, but it keeps the liquid from freezing. Barry UlmanI always bring mine in at night but this colder than usual weather makes it challenging to keep it from freezing during the day. If you have the luxury of being home during the day and can do the old switcheroo with a couple of feeders, that's great. Otherwise, try other remedies.I read on vanbcbirds is that you can change the usual water-sugar mix from 4-1 to 3-1. The poster said that the hummers get more energy for the colder months with this mix. I tried it and they (at least three) seem to like it. It also doesn't freeze as quickly.Here's a shot from this morning as this Anna's was perched in the side yard, waiting for the traffic around the feeder to die down a bit. What the heck was I doing out there?!!Joe MecheI would be very cautious about changing the concentration of the sugar water for the hummingbirds. I remember years ago some evidence that higher concentrations could cause fungal throat problems. At least we know that 4 to 1 is safe and should stick with that. Tricia
This seems to work and the chickadees don't mind at all....or so it appears.
I bring the feeder in a night and turn off the light.
Joe Meche
Joe's system is the one that worked for us for several years. Our current set-up directs light, and therefore heat as well, downward to the feeder. We used insulated wire for hanging the feeder.
One additional advantage: this is so minimally distracting that we can leave the light on all night and thus avoid the irritated lectures we used to get at 0-Dark-Thirty on the mornings we were too slow getting the feeder back out.
Lynn Dunlap
I thought I better chime in on my device for keeping my hummingbird feeder from freezing. I have a heater in the water feature as well as a pump for circulating water. I have two rocks that I put on each side of the pump - a small grate sits on these two rocks with the water spouting between the grate - the feeder sits on the grate and the water from the pump hits the bottom of the feeder. The water stays at about 40 degrees. I have another feeder which I put out when it warms up enough for it not to freeze. The Anna's prefer a higher hanging feeder, but the 4 of them certainly use this one when the male doesn't chase the others away. What I like about this method is that the feeder is there after dark and for them first thing in the morning.
Andrea Warner
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