Bob and I purchased this feeder heater at Wild Bird Chalet. It has an outdoor floodlamp and a temperature sensor that comes on at 35 degrees. Needless to say, it has been on continually for days now. We also have a heating element for a shallow bird bath that we have to be vigilant about keeping full so the element doesn't burn out. If the electricity goes out we are back to switching out feeders.
We also have had a White Throated Sparrow, Fox Sparrow and Varied Thrushes as well as the usual suspects; Gold and White Crowned Sparrows, Spotted Towhees, Juncos, House Finches, BC Chickadees, and Bob saw a female Hairy Woodpecker at the suet feeder yesterday. A Downey or two come too.
Something also seems to have developed a taste for Eurasian Collared Doves. There were scattered feathers under one of our pine trees and a few corn kernals that got coughed up perhaps on impact? I have seen other EUCD feathers that look like they may have been plucked from a perch on a utility pole on one of my walks in the neighborhood.
Another bump on the bedroom window and I did not go right out to see if I could find the bird but when I did I found a shell of a Gold Crowned Sparrow with a hole in its front and its innards eaten out. Would a Cooper's have done that? I left it for Bob to look at and it disappeared overnight.
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