Saturday 14 December 2013

International Falconry Festival‏ Joan Bird 12/3/13

I just received a copy of this magazine, containing the falcon article.  For those of you who may not have seen it:

"In late 2010 the United Nations recognized falconry as an Intangible Cultural Heritage and last year, raptor devotees flocked to the International Falconry Festival to celebrate their artful sport - and/, indeed, their obsession."

Published in Saudi Aramco World" magazine, March/April 2012.  

A very informative and interesting article with beautiful photos of falconers and their birds, at the Ramah Wildlife Refuge outside Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.

If the above link doesn't work for whatever reason, you can find the article at:

  Select "Search"
  Under "search results" insert "falcon"
  Click on "A Heritage Takes Wing"
  Click on arrow in middle of photo get view photos
  Article follows

Apparently a subscription to this magazine (which does not focus on falcons) is free.

If you would like a hard copy of this particular magazine to get the falcon article, go  and select "indexes" and scroll down to March/April 2012 (also free).  The photos in the magazine are, of course, must better than those on line.

Joan Bird

AWESOME!!!  Thanks, Joan!
Cindy K.

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