Saturday 14 December 2013

Crows‏ Dick Porter 12/9/13

Right now there’s a river of crows flying north east from Padden Lagoon towards west side of Sehome Hill and ?????  At least 200 hundred in the last 10 minutes


We see this every evening. The opposite must happen in the AM while we are reading the papers. Mt husband Bob and I call them the " diagonal crows" because they fly in a diagonal pattern past  our yard. They go to Sehome Hill for the night and then back to the beach and the Fairhaven dumpsters in the daytime. Sometimes they trickle by  in small groups of 12 or more. Sometimes a huge group goes together. In the summer, many of them stay down by the beach longer and fly later. Someday I should go to Sehome hill after dusk and seek out their roost. ( Maybe when it is warmer?) Adena Mooers

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