Wednesday 18 December 2013

Crows - Chuckanut Brewery, Holly Street‏ Paula Rustan 12/17/13

12 noon, Wednesday
Driving by the brewery noticed about 25 agitated crows, alarmed & close together, on phone wire in front of the brewery. Having seen a similar gathering about 4 years ago on F Street near the railroad crossing, on a telephone wire too — and then discovering a dead crow at the foot of the telephone pole, I stopped to to see what was happening in front of the brewery. Scanned the ground and street — nothing, finally looked up and thought I saw a dead crow hanging on the side of building but was too far away to be sure. Crossed the street to look, and indeed it was a crow, hanging by its head and extremely high up, if you are familiar with the building. It appeared that it might have somehow gotten stuck in the small gap between the roof and the side of the building. I just hope that it died quickly (a broken neck rather than the obvious alternative). The companion crows dispersed when I came to look — likely they will return. Notified the brewery staff who indicated that they would climb onto roof sometime today or soon, to remove the remains. 

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