Wednesday 11 December 2013

Notable Bird Sightings‏ Andrea Warner 11/19/13

Hello All:

Joan Bird and I had some unexpected sightings in a rainy day of birding.

At Sandy Point this morning there were 9 Sanderlings in with a flock of Dunlin. We spotted a sparrow that we think was a 1st year White-throated Sparrow, but were not able to get a positive id. The Sandy Point sewer construction continues with a completion date of the end of December, so there can be some long delays.

Lake Terrell had 8-9 Redheads that we viewed from the new dock on the lake.

Black Scoters, 20-25 of them, were off shore at the south end of Birch Bay State Park.

Semiahmoo Spit, in the field area north of the snag where the Peregrine/Bald Eagles hang out, there were 3 Snow Buntings foraging along side of one of the paved areas.

Andrea Warner

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