Wednesday 11 December 2013

Brant & Osprey‏ Andrea Warner 11/20/13

Today, in the high winds rather then the rain, Joan Bird and I led a field trip for the University of Washington Retirees Birding Group and here are a few high points ---

Winds were too strong to bird at Sandy Point -- we found two Redheads at Lake Terrell on the far shore (scope view only) -- there were 8-10 Black Scoters at Birch Bay State Park again and they were very close to the shore in the waves -- the wind was still fierce at Semiahmoo inhibiting the birding, but we did have an Osprey hanging in the wind above us -- the wind was just as bad at Blaine, but there was a small raft of Brandt that were visible using binoculars -- two Snow Geese were with a large group of Canada Geese on the north end of the boat dock area.

Andrea Warner

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