Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Vancouver RBA for November 9, 2013‏

This is Nature Vancouver's Bird Alert for Saturday, November 9, sponsored by Wild Birds Unlimited in Vancouver and North Vancouver.

If you wish to report a rare, unusual or interesting bird, please phone the main number at (604) 737-3074, press "2" for the rare bird reporting line, and follow the instructions given there.

Friday, November 8
All week, a HARRIS'S SPARROW has been present at Ambleside Park in West Vancouver. It has usually been seen along the trail that goes around the pond, feeding with other sparrows.

Wednesday, November 6
A ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK was reported from Delta along Hwy 17 between Ladner Trunk Road and 34B Avenue.

Tuesday, November 5
A very late PACIFIC-SLOPE FLYCATCHER and a RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH were seen at Queen Elizabeth Park in Vancouver.

Monday, November 4
A SWAMP SPARROW, first seen the day before, was still present at the Reifel Bird Sanctuary in Delta, north of the viewing tower on the dike trail.

3 ANCIENT MURRELETS, 20 COMMON MURRES, and 1 REDHEAD were seen off of Lighthouse Marine Park in Point Roberts, WA.

A late MACGILLIVRAY'S WARBLER was found at Queen Elizabeth Park in Vancouver.

Sunday, November 3
The first GOLDEN EAGLE (a juvenile) of the fall was reported flying over Stanley Park, Vancouver, along the seashore.

An AMERICAN KESTREL was seen hunting near Tsawwassen Drive North and 41B Street in Tsawwassen by the salt marsh area.

15 TUNDRA SWANS were seen at Brunswick Point in Delta.

For a summary of extremely rare bird sightings throughout British Columbia,
check "British Columbia Bird Alert" at .

A brief account of 31 of the best birding locations in the Vancouver area
can be found on the Nature Vancouver website at .

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