Sunday 8 December 2013

Longspurs still at Semiahmoo‏ Andrea Warner 10/5/13

This morning at Semiahmoo the Lapland Longspurs were still there. I spotted 3 flying and viewed two of them after they landed. Mitch Blanton then joined me and after I left he saw 7 of them flying. After walking the loop on my way back to my car I also saw 7 of them flying around in the same area (the field north of the tree where the Eagles perch) as we spotted them earlier. They can be illusive as they feed in the heavy grass. The other spotting of note was at least 2 male Black Scoters (scope view) on the Semiahmoo side of the spit. The only shorebirds were 3 Killdeer. The adult Peregrine was on the water tower with a full crop.

And - the hybrid, Greater white-fronted Goose/Canada Goose is once again hanging out with the group at the Padden Estuary and vacant lots. Almost forgot - there is an otter family (2 adults and 4 youngsters)hanging around the estuary at high tide.

Andrea Warner

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