Sunday 8 December 2013

Lapland Longspur at Semiahmoo Spit‏ Phil Calise 10/3/13

Today at 4:00 pm I was walking  down the spit just past the eagle trees when a bird flushed from almost under my feet he flew 10 ft. in front of me and stopped on the path, it was a Lapland Longspur I backed up and was able to get good looks with my binocs as he continued to feed. I detoured around him and continued on down the spit no BB Plovers tonight but a flock of Snow Geese flew over heading to Canada. There was also 1 American Pipit in the small field before the eagle trees
Phil Calise

Today between 4pm and 5pm there were 6 Lapland Longspurs in the field before the eagle trees on the spit. On my way down the spit to check the plover flock I ran into Barry Ulman who found 5 longspurs while I was looking at 97 BB Plovers and 2 Killdeer. On my way back I saw 1 longspur in a clump of weeds I went and got Barry to come back while we were watching the one bird it flew and 4 other longspurs  flew out of the same clump of weeds, one bird stayed and was making some sounds we were able to watch this bird for awhile and it eventually  came out in the open.
Phil Calise

Today (Thursday) at around 4:00 PM I was out on Semiahmoo Spit near the artificial snags, just where Phil Calise reported seeing one. Today there were five of them. They spent most of their time skulking in the grass, but occasionally one would come out into the open briefly.

Barry Ulman

There were 2 Longspurs in the same field as yesterday at the spit today several birders were able to get good close looks also 1 American Pipit did a flyover.
Phil Calise

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