Sunday 8 December 2013

American Golden-Plover at Semiahmoo Spit‏ Phil Calise 9/26/13

This Evening 5:00 the BB plover flock had 350 birds in it,they were in the usual spot half way up the spit on the Semiahmoo bay side. 3 Golden-plovers were in the flock, 2 of them were at the far end of the flock and were Pacific's. The third plover was closer to me so I was able to see it better but use the other ones for comparison the bird was smaller than the Black-bellied plovers it was close to. The supercilium was white and the wings were long extending well past the tail, I also got to see it in flight and there was no black under the wings. There were also 2 Dowitchers in the flock and later 10 Snow Geese flew high over head flying towards Canada.

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