Thursday, 20 February 2014

WA Birder 2013 List Reporting‏ Laurie Knittle 1/27/14

A reminder: Washington Birder List Report form is available on the Washington Birder website: 
We encourage all who are interested in reporting 2013 totals to submit their List Report to Washington Birder at: info at
 by January 31, 2014.
Laurie Knittle

Washington Birder prefers that Washington State List and Big Day Report submissions generally follow the ABA Recording Rules and Big Day Count Rules. 
A quick check of those would be a good review for all, as they seem to have been enhanced in scope and clarity since we last checked them several years ago. 
ABA Recording Rules:
Big Day Count Rules:

Thank you Kevin for reminding us all to review and follow these guidelines when submitting our Reports.
Laurie Knittle

Washington Birder online 


Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 08:30:53 -0800
Subject: Re: [Tweeters] WA Birder 2013 List Reporting

Since the submission deadline is coming soon, can anyone offer guidance here?

Earlier I posted to BirdYak a reminder about the Washington Birder List Report, and wrote,

"I think it's safe to assume that the ABA listing Rules apply. The rules include the ABA Code of Ethics, prohibiting trespassing, and for Big Day list submissions, as Scott Downes reminded others, Big Day participants may not solicit help from other birders during that day.

Scott replied to BirdYak,

"In regards to the comment: "I think it's safe to assume that the ABA listing Rules apply." I would not make that assumption. On the Washington Birder website, it does say that Big Day reporting must follow the ABA Big Day Count Rules.
However, for the regular listing the rules laid out on the site are:
1. Within the reporting area and time period when observed, and
2. Alive, wild and unrestrained when observed.
Many groups (including Ebird) use the ABA Code and listing rules as a guideline but many do not follow all aspects of the listing rules. Certainly the ABA Code of Ethics is a good model to strive for in birding. Ken Knittle does subscribe to this list and I would assume he might chime in if he requires strict adherence to the ABA listing guidelines for non-Big Day list reports."
Thanks for your guidance,
Kevin Lucas

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