Sunday 16 February 2014

Northern Flicker Display‏ Chris Suczek 12/30/13

Yesterday, December 29, two Northern Flickers, a male and a female, landed on 
the back fence of my yard on the west side of Alabama Hill. They spent 10 or 15 
minutes face to face about a foot apart giving a nodding display with waving of 
bill in a low arc, especially by the female, and a little tail spreading. 
Sometimes they took turns, sometimes they both moved at the same time. They 
were also vocalizing. I didn't go close, but from where I heard them they 
sounded like, "pika pika pika". Eventually they flew off, but both were seen 
poking the ground in the yard later in the afternoon.

Has anyone any idea about whether this could have been courtship or perhaps a 
territorial dispute?

Chris Suczek

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