Thursday 20 February 2014

Breeding Plumage, SE AZ, and Scopes‏ Caanan Cowles 1/30/14

Hi All,

Yesterday, while sitting on a flybirdge of a boat looking for MAMUs, I saw 3 Pelagic Cormorants in breeding plumage.  I feel this is pretty early in the year, but I'm not certain.  I have also been seeing loads of Pigeon Guillemots in breeding plumage for the past two weeks.  I'm not sure how many are up in Bellingham Bay (my 3 month old boy is not into birding yet) but down here in the Hood Canal (were I work) there are lots of them.  

I am heading down to SE Arizona in late April/May and am looking for any suggestions on campgrounds or nice places to stay during my 10 day bird trip.  I have the books and such but was hoping for some input from people who have been down there.

And lastly, I am going to buy a new scope here in the near future and am hoping for some reviews or advice on which ones are the best or if there is someone out there looking to sell their old scope.  I have to be able to connect my Nikon DSLR to it too.  

Thanks and enjoy the bird!

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