Thursday 20 February 2014

Dead peregrine with leg band‏ Fred Sears 2/4/14

Would some one know where this might go?

Fredrick Sears

  • "Peregrine"‏

The bird in questioned turned out to be a Coopers hawk. Paul D. Has the carcass so we will have to await his report as to the origin of the band.

Fredrick Sears

No shame on Fredrick as he hadn't actually seen the "carcass," funny how unidentified raptors now are all thought to be peregrines until proven otherwise.  I had a similar call recently that did turn out to be a peregrine so I figured when going after this one that it probably was a cooper's hawk.  It was an immature mail banded by Bud that was trapped at Sea-tac and released in Bow.  Paul

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