Thursday 20 February 2014

snowy owls on east coast‏ John Bower 2/1/14

This NY Times article discusses a large influx of snowy owls in the NE. Interesting given the two years in a row of owls showing up here. Anybody seeing them at Boundary Bay or elsewhere this winter?



Mitch Blanton and I saw one today at Boundary Bay, south of the 64th St. dike entrance, flying from the area of the white tower out to sit on a piece of beach driftwood, where it was immediately bonked on the head a couple of times by a very agile Northern Harrier that then just flew off.  The owl seemed not bothered at all by the interaction.  Nice to see at least a single Snowy in the air this year.

Joan Bird

I was up at Boundary Bay last week. I saw no Snowy Owls (although two were reported by someone on Tweeters). Also, I saw NO SHORT-EARED OWLS; very unusual, in my opinion. To make up for this, I did see three LONG-EARED OWLS roosting in bushes and trees close to the dike, near 64th Street.

Barry Ulman

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