Sunday 15 September 2013

Sandy Point Jaegers and Horned Larks‏ Diane Birsner 9/7/13

Yesterday (Fri, Sept 6, 5:30-8:00pm) we enjoyed all that Sandy Point has to offer this time of year. Phil Calise had a scope on couple of Parasitic Jaegers as we approached the point: one floated on the water offshore and later one chased down about 4 Common Terns. Purple Martins zipped past us. Small flocks of Western Sandpipers & Semi-palmated Plovers picked along the shoreline or posed on the rocks. An Osprey carrying a fish bypassed its usual feasting perch on one of the channel markers and continued to an unknown destination across the strait. A pair of Horned Larks dropped down and foraged for several frustrating minutes in the tall grass before eventually walking out into the path, finally affording us good looks at their worn plumage. Dave scoped a distant flock of about 30 phalaropes in the water, however they were too far out to determine the species. Two White-winged Scoters flew by; we also saw a pair of Red-necked Grebes in the water, some Caspian Terns and more Common Terns.
And then there was the sunset. The sunset alone was worth the trip.

Diane Birsner and Dave Schmalz

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