Sunday 15 September 2013

Re: Whatcom Purple Martins Clark Blake 8/1/13

Hi Stan:

I will be on Lummi this Friday and will check out the martin boxes at Sunrise Cove, I have not heard of any other active nest sites in Whatcom Co.
but will forward this message to the list serve. 


On Jul 31, 2013, at 7:26 PM, stan Kostka lynn Schmidt wrote:

> Hi Clark, 
> Hope you have been enjoying the great summer weather. 
> I'm curious to know if you have any additional info about the Sunrise Cove martins ? Have you been back there enough to say how many boxes are occupied with breeding pairs ?
> Also, I have not visited the Bellingham martin colony this year, and was wondering if you may know someone who has and may have an idea of whether there are martins there this year, and possibly have an idea about how many boxes there are occupied ? I don't subscribe to Whatcom birds, but thought maybe someone there may know something. 
> Thanks for any info you can provide. 
> Stan Kostka 

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