Sunday, 6 October 2013

Vancouver, BC RBA for September 14, 2013‏ Waybe Weber

This is Nature Vancouver's Bird Alert for Saturday, September 14th,
sponsored by Wild Birds Unlimited in Vancouver and North Vancouver.

If you wish to report a rare, unusual or interesting bird, please
phone the main number at (604) 737-3074, press "2" for the rare bird
reporting line, and follow the instructions given there.

BIRDERS NOTE: The Iona Sewage Pond access is still closed to the
Public until further notice, between 7 AM and 5 PM
(weekends included). After 5:00 PM, access will be allowed into
The evenings (but there will be some evenings when there will be no
access, and this will NOT be posted in advance). There will be a few days
through this closure when access will be permitted, but there is no schedule
for these open days.

IDENTIFICATION NOTE: There have been many calls noting Spotted
Owls in back yards, etc. While all reports are taken seriously
and rarities investigated, these sightings have so far been of
Barred Owls. These species are quite similar and often confused
in the field without experience with both. The best way to
separate is by voice. Please use a field guide to identify a
species, as the internet is full of photos of misidentified
species, even on some birder's blogs and nature sites! If you
are unsure about any species, please don't hesitate to upload a
photo to our site at

Helpful I.D. Hints:
Spotted Owls are: extremely rare in B.C., timid, in mostly
undisturbed old-growth forest and unknown in urban areas, are dark
brown, have a darkish bill and face, have markings on body that
radiate horizontally making them look like spots.
Barred Owls are: paler especially around the face, have a
prominently yellow bill, have markings on body that are vertical,
slim "bars", are bold to aggressive, live in very marginal and
varied habitat including urban areas.

Friday, September 13

A SHARP-TAILED SANDPIPER was seen and photographed at the Reifel
Migratory Bird Sanctuary in Delta.

A BANK SWALLOW was seen at Iona Beach Regional Park, Richmond.

First seen on the 12th: 4 AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVERS were seen on the
airfield of Vancouver Airport from the large parking area next
between the causeway and the airport.

Thursday, September 12

A juvenile BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER was seen at Reifel, and another
at Boundary Bay near 104th St. along the dyke.

1-2 RED-NECKED PHALAROPES along with the ever-present RUDDY
SHELDUCKS were present at Beach Grove Lagoon in Boundary Bay
Regional Park in Delta.

Wednesday, September 11

A HOUSE WREN was seen at southwest corner of the southeast pond at
Iona sewage plant in Richmond.

A PARASITIC JAEGER was seen at the coal port breakwater in Delta.

8-10 BLACK-NECKED STILT were reported from at Brydon Lagoon in Langley.

A WESTERN SCRUB-JAY was located in New Westminster at the corner
of Hamilton and 19th.

Monday, September 9

A STILT SANDPIPER was seen at Reifel in the outer ponds.

For a summary of extremely rare bird sightings throughout British
Columbia, check "British Columbia Bird Alert" at .

A brief account of 31 of the best birding locations in the
Vancouver area can be found on the Nature Vancouver website at .

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