Sunday 6 October 2013

Past 2 days in whatcom county‏ Ken Lane 9/20/13

Hey whatcom birders, 
Fanter and I have been out birding a few spots the past couple days.
Yesterday early at sandy point the rock wren made an appearance and we found 2 surf birds amongst the black turnstones. No longspur. The afternoon we spent at lumni flats. We had 9 pectoral sandpipers with 40 or so dowitchers and nice looks at a bittern. 
today we started at Mt Baker.
Sharp-shinned hawk 2
coopers 3
red-tailed hawk 13
osprey 2
kestrel 1
raven 5
gray-crowned rosy finch 50
horned lark 12
red crossbill 42
band-tailed pigeon 11 
Then we hit the afternoon tide at semiahmoo found the pacific-golden plover in the huge plover flock along with 2 short-billed dowitchers, 2 dunlin and 2 least sandpipers. 
Thanks for all the great posts. Good birding, Ken Lane

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