Sunday 6 October 2013

FW: [vanbcbirds] Point Roberts birds‏ Wayne Weber Kevin Louth 9/22/13


This message forwarded from VANBCBIRDS may be of interest to you. Point
Roberts is on a hot streak again!

Wayne C. Weber

-----Original Message-----
Subject: [vanbcbirds] Point Roberts

Two Brown Pelicans were present at 9:15 this morning at Lighthouse Marine
Park. They hung around for 10 minutes before flying off towards the ferry
terminal. Also seen today were Franklin's Gull, first seen by Ken Klimko, 2
Heermann's Gulls, 200+ Bonaparte's Gull, 2 Common Terns, and 3 Parasitic
Jaegers. Nearby, 2 more Heerman's Gulls were seen at the tip of the ferry

Kevin Louth
North Delta

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