Saw my FOY Rufous Hummingbird this morning: a beautiful male that made a couple visits to my feeders. Barry Ulman
Since our first Rufous showed up the Anna's have disappeared. Does this happen every year? Are the Rufous just more aggressive? Rachel StrachanI saw my first rufous--also a male--on Sunday March 9. I also note a sudden absence of Anna's. I live on the north side of Sehome Hill.John StarkI walk the trails on the north side of Sehome Hill almost daily and have noticed Anna's recently up there ... the Indian Plum is starting to bloom.Joyce LincolnI had a stunningly beautiful male rufuous at my nectar feeder on the north side of Sehome Hill about a week ago - just one. Since then only 3 or 4 regular Anna's. Joan Bird
Rock Wren was sighted at point roberts today