Sunday, 20 July 2014

FOY Cindy Klein 3/12/14

The first Rufous male made himself known at our place today. I suspect he might have come yesterday because I heard the sound of his wings but couldn't locate him. Anyway, the beautiful sunshine today really set off his bling!

Cindy Klein

March Tour de Bellingham photos‏ Andrew Reding 3/12/14

With such inviting weather, I did another 20 mile “Tour de Bellingham” on my bike.

Highlights included a pair of flickers, a pair of wood ducks, and a pair of sparring male mallards at Scudder Pond.

Highlight at Boulevard Park was a pair of eared grebes - the first I’ve ever seen in Bellingham (I see them in Blaine every year).

You can see the photos of all of these at


Bird Photography Workshops‏ 3/11/14

I'm sending this out rather last minute and hope you could spread the word.  Blaine, Washington is having it's annual Wings Over Water birdfest March 14-16. Of special interest to photographers is the following:

Photography Workshop by Paul Bannick  noon- 1:30
Blaine School Performing Arts Center - 975 H Street 
Cost: $20  Registration at the Festival:  Blaine Middle School 

This is a unique opportunity for photographers to learn from Paul Bannick an award-winning wildlife photographer specializing in the natural history of North America with a focus on birds and habitat to inspire education and conservation.  Paul coupling his love of the outdoors with his skill as a photographer will share how he creates images that foster the intimacy between viewer and subject.  Topics will include how to find the birds, camera settings and gear accompanied by his personal stories and photos.  There will be time for a Q&A period too. 

Photography Workshop:  The Art of Photographing Birds- by Photographer Karen Ulvestad  2- 4
Blaine Harbor Boating Center Conference Room, 235 Marine Drive
Cost:  FREE,  Registration at the Festival:  Blaine Middle School 

Learn about the variety of bird species that frequent this Northwest Corner of Washington State’s Cascade Loop Birding Trail and how to capture the perfect image of these birds in flight and in their natural surroundings.  This workshop will be both in the classroom, and shooting on location at nearby Marine Park.

Based out of Seattle, Karen Ulvestad is a wildlife and landscape photographer, with a passion for photographing birds.  Her favorite subjects are birds in flight, or horses at a full gallop.  She has taught digital photography classes and workshops since 2008 in the greater Seattle area.

Bring your camera, dress for the weather, and wear appropriate shoes for walking.

There will be field trips to see local birds in the area as well.

Herons in Fairhaven‏ Joseph Kelly 3/10/14

Yesterday I saw herons flying to the nesting area by the wastewater treatment plant.

Joseph Kelly

Herons on Robertson‏

All weekend Herons have been visiting the nesting area


Anna's juvenile?‏ Joan Bird 3/11/14

I just had two Anna's feeding together - one a bit smaller, a little bit stubbier in tail and shorter primaries, and overall paler, with no red flecks on the throat.  They fed together for about 5 minutes, then left together.  It looks like a mother and juvenile.  Sibley indicates juveniles are present Feb. - Sept.  Can anyone confirm that it's not too soon for juvies or provide any other helpful info.?

Joan Bird

Semiahmoo Spit‏ David Schutz 3/10/14

I birded the spit this weekend for the first time in a month, and was pleased to see the female Mountain Bluebird is still there. On Saturday there were hundreds (more likely thousands) of ducks, scoters, brant, and gulls actively feeding as if on herring spawn. Sunday was relatively quiet in the same area. Approximately 200 Pacific Loons were seen both days well offshore as I looked towards White Rock.
David Schutz
Coquitlam/Birch Bay